My Workspace


The virtual space where I go to work and think

My Workspace screens

Manage work
Build career
Work anywhere


My Work - My Performance - My future

Key Features of My Workspace Approach

My work screenshots
Open-up opportunities for your people to work in different ways, and collaborate on-line, in or outside the office.
  • Socialise work approaches and workplaces based on trust, transparency, teamwork, sharing and collaboration.
  • My Workspace allows all work demands, innovations, relationships and information to be managed, and updated, in the one place. The updates will then synchronize with the originating initiatives, and keep colleagues in the loop.
  • Underpinning the Workspace is My Personal Storyboard which allows everyone to build their Personal Profiles, launch Conversations, and share thinking with others through Blogs.
  • It's also the place to follow and view trending #tags for a dynamic way to categorise, view and see business intelligence and insights.

All my work in one place

Kanban board screenshots

Managing all your work from a single place promotes individual efficiency, and provides evidence-based views of your personal performance.

A logical place to manage work is the ‘Kanban’ board which provides simple drag-and-drop capability. Moving an item into the Complete column, for example, will synchronize with the originating work initiative, such as a project.

Each Board item also allows a range of actions to be completed depending on its type and requirements.

Connect through Conversations, Blogs, #Tags

Connect through Conversations, Blogs, Tags illustration

Conversations represent a very powerful, highly flexible way to work alongside, and connect with, other people.

Specialists within organizations often need to contribute to projects but struggle with standard project management disciplines. Allowing them to connect, and contribute, through conversations is one way of solving this problem.

The standard landing page for My Workspace is the Storyboard page. This means when you log-in the complete picture of your work involvement is immediately available.

My Workspace - Quick Tips

  • All your work items can be managed through your Workspace.
  • Keep your work updated because this also keeps your colleagues up to date.
  • Use conversations and #tags to build your networks and explore new ways of thinking and working.
  • Take time out from the office, and work from home, on-line.
My Workspace illustration