As with every other work function integrating ideas into the rest of the organization delivers immediate benefits. The key to ideas taking hold is that multiple people need to take them up and then change their behaviours to make the most of the innovation imagined in the idea.
Ideas need to be launched, discussed through Conversations, and voted on, in the one place, so the relative worth of all ideas can be established. This is also the way you can manage ‘left-field’ ideas spawned out of watercooler conversations, or other initiatives, such as projects.
Ideas can be used to network within and across your organization, and share thinking and IP.
Some ideas will be so self-evident you'll make the decision to implement immediately. Others may form the basis of much richer organizational conversations as you explore options and opportunities through networks of Conversations, and #tagging.
Some will need to be delivered through Activities or Projects, which can be launched out of the idea itself. Some will be parked for later consideration.