

For a whole other way to work

Dashboards screenshots

Build rich organizational and personal narratives

The use of interactive Storyboards to tell your organizational narratives, across all aspects of strategy and work, in engaging, colourful, authentic ways.

Key Features of Storyboard Approach

  • Socialise Storyboards as a powerful way to tell your stories and narratives, from all parts of the business.
  • Socialise Storyboards as an alternate approach to static Dashboards and historic reporting.
  • Demonstrate how Storyboards, as conversation-starters, auto-populate continuously from various parts of the business.
  • Demonstrate how Storyboards are used for business and personal story-telling.
  • Demonstrate how interactive Storyboards present a different view to formal reporting for Boards and Executives.
  • Build-up Storyboards as a jumping-off point for further exploration and conversations.

It's our data, they're your stories

Stories jump off the page

Interactive Storyboards provide information and insights at your fingertips when you need them.

They constantly update with the very latest information which needs no further curating.

It means you can move away from static, outdated, rear-vision-mirror reporting to data that jumps off the page.

People remember stories

Questions illustration

There's a lot of research to show that people quickly forget what they read in a report but will hold onto narratives and stories.

Conscious of how much people are suffering from information overload and fatigue, we've taken a different route. It's based on storytelling supported by evidence, and is deliberately designed to provoke questions and inspire conversations.

Innovative managers promote questioning and are comfortable with exploring opportunities.

Storyboards Quick-Tips

  • Start thinking in information-bites that act as a window to much more detailed, drill-down data.
  • Adding conversations and #tags will enrich the Storyboards.
  • Work on the principle that new value exists in your business, and given the opportunity, your people will reveal it and deliver it.
Big picture illustration